All functions |
Convert percentages to frequency classes |
Add likelihood based on IPCC thresholds |
Add time stamp |
Check packages |
Empty a directory |
Test rows against a function |
Change the first letter of a string to capital |
Make an object if it is not available from provided file |
Add, commit and push all current changes to github |
Object with the latest |
Dataframe of likelihood thresholds and definitions |
Lookup for Landscapes South Australia regions |
Make a region (area) of interest |
Generate a tibble of epochs. |
Use a set of (continuous) columns to choose a good set of rows |
Plot the results from |
Make package workflow |
Make a list of data frames for months and seasons |
Make targets |
Mirror a directory |
Monitor system resources |
Create and/or parse output directory paths |
Convert a numeric to its corresponding english character. |
Proportion of current CPU usage |
Proportion of current memory usage |
Make a wide, single row, data frame of quantiles (percentiles) |
Run the scrips in a project |
Transform the coordinates in a dataframe |
Generate a path to a storage directory |
Create a label for a species |
A (rough) timer |
Vector to phrase |