The goal of envFunc is to store functions that help across the other envPackages.


envFunc is not on CRAN.

You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Load envFunc

Add time stamp

add_time_stamp adds the creation time of an object as an attribute.

  temp <- cars %>%

  attr(temp, "ctime")
#> [1] "2025-01-17 14:51:03 ACDT"

Add a likelihood classification

  x <- tibble::tibble(x = rbeta(10, 1, 1)) %>%
#> Joining with `by = join_by(likelihood)`
#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>          x likelihood             maxVal range         loose very  extreme exceptional
#>      <dbl> <fct>                   <dbl> <fct>         <fct> <fct> <fct>   <fct>      
#>  1 0.327   Unlikely                0.333 (0.1,0.333]   +     +     +       +          
#>  2 0.478   About as likely as not  0.667 (0.333,0.667] 0     0     0       0          
#>  3 0.943   Very likely             0.95  (0.9,0.95]    -     --    --      --         
#>  4 0.114   Unlikely                0.333 (0.1,0.333]   +     +     +       +          
#>  5 0.458   About as likely as not  0.667 (0.333,0.667] 0     0     0       0          
#>  6 0.920   Very likely             0.95  (0.9,0.95]    -     --    --      --         
#>  7 0.951   Extremely likely        0.99  (0.95,0.99]   -     --    ---     ---        
#>  8 0.417   About as likely as not  0.667 (0.333,0.667] 0     0     0       0          
#>  9 0.00187 Exceptionally unlikely  0.01  (0,0.01]      +     ++    +++     ++++       
#> 10 0.0387  Extremely unlikely      0.05  (0.01,0.05]   +     ++    +++     +++

What else is in envFunc

The following functions and data sets are provided in envFunc. See for more examples.

object class description
envFunc::add_freq_class function Convert percentages to frequency classes
envFunc::add_likelihood function Add likelihood based on IPCC thresholds
envFunc::add_time_stamp function Add time stamp
envFunc::check_packages function Check packages
envFunc::clean_dir function Empty a directory
envFunc::filter_test_func function Test rows against a function
envFunc::first_up function Change the first letter of a string to capital
envFunc::get_or_make function Make an object if it is not available from provided file
envFunc::git_commit_env function Add, commit and push all current changes to github
envFunc::last_ctime function Object with the latest code{ctime} attribute
envFunc::lulikelihood tbl_df, tbl and data.frame Dataframe of likelihood thresholds and definitions
envFunc::lulsa tbl_df, tbl and data.frame Lookup for Landscapes South Australia regions
envFunc::make_aoi function Make a region (area) of interest
envFunc::make_epochs function Generate a tibble of epochs.
envFunc::make_metric_df function Use a set of (continuous) columns to choose a good set of rows
envFunc::make_metric_plot function Plot the results from code{make_metric_df}
envFunc::make_package function Make package workflow
envFunc::make_seasons function Make a list of data frames for months and seasons
envFunc::make_targets function Make targets
envFunc::mirror_directory function Mirror a directory
envFunc::monitor_system function Monitor system resources
envFunc::name_env_out function Create and/or parse output directory paths
envFunc::numbers2words function Convert a numeric to its corresponding english character.
envFunc::prop_cpu function Proportion of current CPU usage
envFunc::prop_mem function Proportion of current memory usage
envFunc::quibble function Make a wide, single row, data frame of quantiles (percentiles)
envFunc::run function Run the scrips in a project
envFunc::sp_transform_df function Transform the coordinates in a dataframe
envFunc::store_dir function Generate a path to a storage directory
envFunc::taxa_label function Create a label for a species
envFunc::timer function A (rough) timer
envFunc::vec_to_sentence function Vector to phrase