The background sampling includes code based on a Geographic Information Systems stack exchange answer by user Spacedman.
this_taxa = NULL,
out_dir = FALSE,
return_val = "path",
pres_crs = 4326,
pres_x = "long",
pres_y = "lat",
pred_limit = TRUE,
limit_buffer = 0,
pred_clip = NULL,
is_env_pred = TRUE,
max_cells_in_memory = 3e+07,
terra_options = NULL,
cat_preds = NULL,
num_bg = 10000,
prop_abs = "abs",
many_p_prop = 2,
folds = 5,
spatial_folds = TRUE,
min_fold_n = 8,
stretch_value = 10,
dens_res = 1000,
save_pngs = FALSE,
reduce_env = TRUE,
thresh = 0.9,
do_gc = FALSE,
force_new = FALSE
- this_taxa
Character. Name of taxa. Only used to print some messages. Ignored if NULL
- out_dir
FALSE or character. If FALSE the result of prep_sdm will be saved to a temporary folder. If character, a file 'prep.rds' will be created at the path defined by out_dir.
- return_val
Character: "object" or "path". Both return a named list. In the case of "path" the named list is simply list(prep = out_dir). Will be set to "object" if
is FALSE.- presence
Dataframe of presences with columns
.- pres_crs
Anything that will return a legitimate crs when passed to the crs attribute of
.- pres_x, pres_y
Character. Name of the columns in
that have the x and y coordinates- pred_limit
Limit the background points and predictions? Can be
to generate a minimum convex polygon to use as a limit. Not recommended as the points inpresence
have usually been filtered to very accurate spatial reliability and thus may be missing a large number of legitimate records);FALSE
(the full extent of the predictors will be used); path to existing .parquet to use; or sf object.- limit_buffer
Numeric. Apply this buffer to
. Only used ifpred_limit
. Passed to thedist
argument ofsf::st_buffer()
.- pred_clip
sf. Optional sf to clip the pred_limit back to (e.g. to prevent prediction into ocean).
- predictors
Character. Vector of paths to predictor
files.- is_env_pred
Logical. Does the naming of the directory and files in
follow the pattern required byenvRaster::parse_env_tif()
?- max_cells_in_memory
Numeric passed to
argument with the same name.prep_sdm()
will be quicker with larger values, but if running on many cores, memory issues are likely. The default of 30000000 is the default forexactextractr::exactextract()
at the time of writing.- terra_options
Passed to
. e.g. list(memfrac = 0.6)- cat_preds
Character. Vector of predictor names that are character.
- num_bg
Numeric. How many background points?
- prop_abs
Character. Is
a proportion (prop
) of the number of records inpresence
or an absolute (abs
) number?- many_p_prop
Numeric. Ensure the number of background points is at least
many_p_prop * number of presences
. e.g. If there are more than 5000 presences and num_bg is set at10000
, then num_bg will be increased tomany_p_prop * nrow(presences)
- folds
Numeric. How many folds to use in cross validation? Will be adjusted downwards if number of presences do not support
folds * min_fold_n
- spatial_folds
Logical. Use spatial folds? Even if
, can resort to non-spatial cv if presences per fold do not meetmin_fold_n
or there are not enough presences to support more than one fold.- min_fold_n
Numeric. Sets both minimum number of presences, and, by default, the minimum number of presences required for a model.
- stretch_value
Numeric. Stretch the density raster to this value.
- dens_res
or numeric. Resolution (in metres) of density raster. Set toNULL
to use the same resolution as the predictors.- save_pngs
Logical. Save out a .png of the density raster and spatial blocks
- reduce_env
Logical. If TRUE, highly correlated and low importance variables will be removed. In the case of highly correlated pairs of variables, only one is removed.
- thresh
Numeric. Threshold used to flag highly correlated and low importance variables
- do_gc
Logical. Run
base::rm(list = ls)
at end of function? Useful when running SDMs for many, many taxa, especially if done in parallel.- force_new
Logical. If outputs already exist, should they be remade?
If return_val
is "object" a named list. If return_val
is "path"
a named list list(prep = out_dir)
. If out_dir
is a valid path, the 'full
result' (irrespective of return_val
) is also saved to
fs::path(out_dir, "prep.rds")
. The 'full result' is a named list with
a log of (rough) timings and other information from the process
Logical indicating if the sdm was abandoned. If abandoned is TRUE, some list elements may not be present
tibble with two columns ('x' and 'y') representing unique cell centroids on the predictors at presences supplied in argument
sf used to limit the background points and used by
to generate the 'mask'ed output
sf of cell centroids representing unique cell centroids for background points
data.frame with columns:
: presence (1) or absence/background (0)x
: cell centroids for each presence and absenceblock
: the spatial block to which the row belongsa column with values for each of
logical indicating if spatial folds were used. This may differ from the
argument provided toprep_sdm()
if an attempt to use spatial folds failed to meet desiredfolds
list with elements as per
, or, ifreduce_env
, a list with elementsremove_env
which is empty, andenv_var
, containing the names of all predictors.
out_dir <- file.path(system.file(package = "envSDM"), "examples")
data <- file.path(system.file(package = "predicts"), "ex") |>
fs::dir_ls(regexp = "\\.csv$") |>
tibble::enframe(name = NULL, value = "path") |>
dplyr::mutate(taxa = gsub("\\.csv", "", basename(path))
, presence = purrr::map(path, rio::import, setclass = "tibble")
, presence = purrr::map(presence
, \(x) x |>
, !
, taxa_dir = fs::path(out_dir, taxa)
, out_mcp = fs::path(taxa_dir, "mcp.parquet")
env_dat <- system.file("ex/bio.tif", package = "predicts")
# mcps --------
# make a clip boundary so mcps stay terrestrial
clip <- terra::as.polygons(terra::rast(env_dat)[[1]] > -Inf) |>
, data$out_mcp
, \(x, y) make_mcp(x, y, pres_x = "lon"
, clip = clip
# prep -----------
# use the just created mcps (this allows using, say, a different spatial reliability threshold for the mcps)
, data$taxa_dir
, data$presence
, data$out_mcp
, function(a, b, c, d) prep_sdm(this_taxa = a
, out_dir = b
, presence = c
, pres_x = "lon"
, pres_y = "lat"
, predictors = env_dat
, is_env_pred = FALSE
, pred_limit = d
, limit_buffer = 10000
, dens_res = 1000 # ignored as decimal degrees preds
#, force_new = T
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
# example of 'prep'
prep <- rio::import(fs::path(data$taxa_dir[[2]], "prep.rds"))
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> [1] "abandoned" "finished" "this_taxa"
#> [4] "original" "presence_ras" "predict_boundary"
#> [7] "bg_points" "blocks" "spatial_folds_used"
#> [10] "reduce_env" "log"
# env variables to remove prior to SDM
#> [1] "bio1" "bio9" "block" "cell" "lat" "lon" "pa" "x" "y"
# Density raster
dens_ras <- terra::rast(fs::path(data$taxa_dir[[2]], "density.tif")) %>%
terra::mask(clip) %>%
terra::classify(matrix(c(0, NA), ncol = 2))
if(require("tmap")) {
m <-
tm_shape(clip) +
tm_borders() +
tm_shape(dens_ras) +
tm_raster(title = "Background point density"
, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
, drop.levels = TRUE
, colorNA = NULL
) +
tm_legend(outside = TRUE) +
tm_compass() +
tm_scale_bar() +
tm_layout(main.title = paste0("Background point density for ", prep$this_taxa))
presences <- prep$blocks %>%
dplyr::filter(pa == 1) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")
, crs = 4326
m +
tm_shape(presences) +
tm_dots(col = "blue")
#> Loading required package: tmap
#> Breaking News: tmap 3.x is retiring. Please test v4, e.g. with
#> remotes::install_github('r-tmap/tmap')
#> Scale bar set for latitude km and will be different at the top and bottom of the map.
# Background points
if(require("tmap")) {
blocks <- prep$blocks %>%
dplyr::mutate(blocks = factor(block)) %>% # for map
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")
, crs = sf::st_crs(terra::rast(env_dat[[1]]))
tm_shape(clip) +
tm_borders() +
tm_shape(blocks) +
tm_dots(title = "Background points\n coloured by block"
, col = "block"
) +
tm_legend(outside = TRUE) +
tm_compass() +
tm_scale_bar() +
tm_layout(main.title = paste0("Background points for ", prep$this_taxa))
#> Scale bar set for latitude km and will be different at the top and bottom of the map.