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The resulting pred.tif is masked to the boundary provided to the pred_limit argument of prep_sdm; or generated in prep_sdm from the pred_limit, limit_buffer and pred_clip arguments.


  file_name = c("pred.tif", "thresh.tif"),
  use_env_naming = FALSE,
  predictors = NULL,
  is_env_pred = FALSE,
  terra_options = NULL,
  doClamp = TRUE,
  apply_thresh = TRUE,
  force_new = FALSE,
  do_gc = FALSE,
  check_tifs = FALSE,



Character or named list. If character, the path to an existing prep.rds. Otherwise, the result of a call to prep_sdm() with return_val = "object".


Character or named list. If character, the path to an existing full_run.rds. Otherwise, the result of a call to run_full_sdm() with return_val = "object".


Character. Name of directory into which .tifs will be saved. Will be created if it does not exist.


Character. Name to give the output prediction .tif.


Logical. If TRUE, and is_env_pred is TRUE, naming will ignore file_name and instead generate a name matching name_env_tif() with layer being this_taxa from prep and start_date being the minimum available start_date from the predictors. pred appears between this_taxa and start_date.


Character. Vector of paths to predictor .tif files.


Logical. Does the naming of the directory and files in predictors follow the pattern required by envRaster::parse_env_tif()?


Passed to terra::terraOptions(). e.g. list(memfrac = 0.6)


Passed to terra::predict() (which then passes as ... to fun). Possibly orphaned from older envSDM?


Logical. If output files already exist, should they be remade?


Logical. Run base::rm(list = ls) and base::gc() at end of function? Useful to keep RAM use down when running SDMs for many, many taxa, especially if done in parallel.


Logical. Check if any output .tif files error on terra::rast() and delete them if they do. Useful after a crash during predict.


Passed to ... in terra::mask() - the last step in the envSDM::predict_sdm process. Used to provide additional arguments to terra::writeRaster.


Named list of created .tif files, usually 'pred.tif' and 'thresh.tif'. Output .tif(s) and .log, written to out_dir.


  # setup -------
  out_dir <- file.path(system.file(package = "envSDM"), "examples")

  env_dat <- system.file("ex/bio.tif", package = "predicts")

  # data ------
  data <- fs::path(system.file(package = "envSDM"), "examples") |>
    fs::dir_ls(regexp = "prep\\.rds$"
               , recurse = TRUE
               ) |>
    tibble::enframe(name = NULL, value = "prep") |>
    dplyr::mutate(taxa = gsub("\\.rds", "", basename(dirname(prep)))
                  , tune = gsub("prep", "tune", prep)
                  , out_dir = fs::path(out_dir, taxa, "combo")

  # Best combo--------
  ## run full SDM --------
                    , data$tune
                    , data$out_dir
               , \(a, b, c) run_full_sdm(prep = a
                                         , tune = b
                                         , out_dir = c
                                         , use_metric = "combo"

                                         # passed to tune_sdm via dots
                                         , metrics_df = envSDM::sdm_metrics
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$full_run_file
#> H:/temp/nige/RtmpAZgTQZ/temp_libpath362426b1106f/envSDM/examples/acaule/combo/full_run.rds
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$full_run_file
#> H:/temp/nige/RtmpAZgTQZ/temp_libpath362426b1106f/envSDM/examples/bradypus/combo/full_run.rds

  ## predict -------
                    , data$out_dir
               , \(a, b) predict_sdm(prep = a
                                     , full_run = fs::path(b, "full_run.rds")
                                     , out_dir = b
                                     , predictors = env_dat
                                     , check_tifs = TRUE
                                     #, force_new = TRUE
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Error in pmap(.l, .f, ..., .progress = .progress):  In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `predict_sdm()`:
#> ! object 'thresh_file' not found

  ## .pngs -------
  if(FALSE) {

    # not working for binary 'thresh' rasters (due to an issue with number of 'classes"?):
      # Error in if (any(na.omit(x) < min(breaks)) && show.warnings) warning("Values have found that are less than the lowest break",  :
      # missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
                 , data$out_dir
                 , \(x, y) png_from_preds(pred_dir = x
                                          , tune_dir = y
                                          , trim = FALSE
                                          , recurse = 1


  ## visualise-------
  ### mask -------
              , \(x) fs::path(x, "pred.tif") %>%
                terra::rast() %>%
                terra::trim() %>%

  # Best auc--------
  ## run full SDM --------
  data <- data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(out_dir = gsub("combo", "auc_po", out_dir))

                    , data$tune
                    , data$out_dir
               , \(a, b, c) run_full_sdm(prep = a
                                         , tune = b
                                         , out_dir = c
                                         , use_metric = "auc_po"

                                         # passed to tune_sdm via dots
                                         , metrics_df = envSDM::sdm_metrics
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$full_run_file
#> H:/temp/nige/RtmpAZgTQZ/temp_libpath362426b1106f/envSDM/examples/acaule/auc_po/full_run.rds
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$full_run_file
#> H:/temp/nige/RtmpAZgTQZ/temp_libpath362426b1106f/envSDM/examples/bradypus/auc_po/full_run.rds

  ## predict -------
                    , data$out_dir
               , \(a, b) predict_sdm(prep = a
                                     , full_run = fs::path(b, "full_run.rds")
                                     , out_dir = b
                                     , predictors = env_dat
                                     , is_env_pred = FALSE
                                     , check_tifs = TRUE
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Warning: Missing `trust` will be set to FALSE by default for RDS in 2.0.0.
#> Error in pmap(.l, .f, ..., .progress = .progress):  In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `predict_sdm()`:
#> ! object 'thresh_file' not found

  ## visualise-------
  ### mask -------
              , \(x) fs::path(x, "pred.tif") %>%
                terra::rast() %>%
                terra::trim() %>%